Sunday, June 12, 2022

Beau Day of Hope 2016

To our sponsors such as Panera bread and Pat’s Steak for their donations of food and bagels. We also want to thank Harkaway Center for Skin Refinement, Bernard’s, Finally the Perfect Gift and Sharsheret for their donation to our gift bags we were able to give each of the survivors who participated in this special day.

Last be not least a special thanks to our Beau staff who made this all possible.

We look forward to next year and remind everyone that if they know of anyone in need of this procedure we also offer it complimentary during our monthly advanced training classes.

We also encourage or Beau graduates and fellow practitioners to consider joining us in our efforts by incorporating A Day of Hope into their practice.

Breast Cancer Survivors on our 6th Annual Day of Hope Survivors: Denise Benjamin, Fran Valerio and Kathy Cooper Practitioners: Maria Concepcion, Rose Marie Beauchemin Beau alumna: Kate Annen

Denise Benjamin, Maria Concepcion, guest

Beau aluma Kate Annen, guest, Denise Benjamin, Maria Concepcion, Rose Marie Beauchemin and Joan O’Donnell

Beau staff: Donna Swider, Gina Fowler, Maria Concepcion and Leslie Niglio

Beau staff: Maria Concepcion, Rosa Guilardi, Rose Marie Beachemin, Dalila Dominguez, Dinna Swider, Gina Fowler,Joan O’Donnell and Beau alumna Kate Annen

Sharing food, friendship and sweets on the Day of Hope

Beau Day of Hope 2016
June 12, 2022